Searching all stock for "sussex":

Exteriors (5 files)

Cycle track-001 
 Style: "General" 
 Keywords: cycle, track, railway, line, abandoned, west, sussex, countryside, U.K., walkers, ramblers, cycling, footpath, public,
 Keywords: house, new, modern, night, lights, blue, home, england
 Keywords: house, new, modern, night, lights, blue, home, england
 Keywords: house, new, modern, night, lights, blue, home, england
 Keywords: house, new, modern, window, blue, home, england

Flowers & Gardens (23 files)

 Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii 
 Keywords: garden west sussex sussex flowers flower beds chalk countryside euphorbia characias subsp wulfenii
 An Anemone in the white border. 
 Keywords: garden west sussex sussex flowers flower beds chalk countryside white Anemone
 Tulipa "Hamilton". 
 Keywords: garden west sussex sussex flowers flower beds chalk countryside yellow tulip Tulipa Hamilton
 Anemone pavonina 
 Keywords: garden west sussex sussex flowers flower beds chalk countryside red Anemone Anemone pavonina
 Clematis alpina "Frankie" 
 Keywords: garden west sussex sussex flowers flower beds chalk countryside clematis Clematis Frankie
 Red & yellow tulips in the "hot" border. 
 Keywords: garden west sussex sussex flowers flower beds chalk countryside hot hot border grasses tulips anemones
 In the maroon, pink & white border, maroon & green leaved Heucheras alternate as edging. 
 Keywords: garden west sussex sussex flowers flower beds chalk countryside maroon pink white Heucheras
 Hellebores flourish on chalk. 
 Keywords: garden west sussex sussex flowers flower beds chalk countryside Hellebores
 Lathrus vernus makes a good showing. 
 Keywords: garden west sussex sussex flowers flower beds chalk countryside Lathrus vernus pea
 The vegetable garden with the collapsible plastic cloches that Pamela would like to find again. 
 Keywords: garden west sussex sussex flowers flower beds chalk countryside vegetable cloches
Wildlife garden-1 
 A table & chairs give a place to sit for a coffee break whilst working in the garden. 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild chair table seating
Wildlife garden-11 
 Jean intends to try to grow a wildlife meadow under the old willow next year 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild willow
Wildlife garden-14 
 Sweet William Dianthus barbatus is one of Jean's favourite flowers. 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild Sweet William Dianthus barbatus
Wildlife garden-15 
 Gladiolus communis subs. byzanitinus. 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild gladioli Gladiolus communis subs. byzanitinus
Wildlife garden-23 
 Rosa 'Cardinal de Richelieu'. 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild rose Rosa Cardinal de Richelieu
Wildlife garden-24 
 Rosa 'Evelyn' which has a sharp lemony scent & is used by Crabtree & Evelyn for their perfumes. 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild rose scent smell lemony Rosa Evelyn Crabtree & Evelyn perfume
Wildlife garden-25 
 Rosa 'Sweet Juliet' 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild rose Rosa Sweet Juliet
Wildlife garden-26 
 Rosa Gallica 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild rose Rosa Gallica
Wildlife garden-27 
 Astrantia major. 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild Astrantia major
Wildlife garden-29 
 The interesting mix of paving & shingle on the paths & seating areas blend well with the planting. 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild shingle paths seating planting
Wildlife garden-3 
 The roses 'Cardinal de Richelieu', William Shakespeare' & 'William Morris' keep company in this bed. 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild roses Cardinal de Richelieu William Shakespeare William Morris flower bed
Wildlife garden-6 
 Campanulas & Foxgloves remind Jean of her Grandfather's garden. 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild Foxgloves Campanulas pot urn
Wildlife garden-8 
 A summerhouse amongst the shrubs. 
 Keywords: garden sussex flowers wildlife wild summerhouse

Interiors (3 files)

 Keywords: house, new, modern, night, lights, blue, home, england
 Keywords: house, new, modern, minimilist, dining room, stairs, wood, wooden, floor, home, england
 Keywords: house, new, modern, kitchen, black, home, england

landscapes (5 files)

Pylon & yellow-001 
 Electricity pylon in a yellow field 
 Keywords: yellow, field, pylon, electricity, farm, U.K., countryside, west sussex,
Pylon & yellow-003 
 Electricity pylon in a yellow field. 
 Keywords: electricity, pylon, field, yellow, farm, countryside, U.K., west, sussex,
Pylon & yellow-004 
 Electricity pylon in a yellow field. 
 Keywords: electricity, pylon, field, yellow, farm, countryside, U.K., west, sussex,
Pylon & yellow-005 
 Electricity pylon in a yellow field. 
 Keywords: electricity, pylon, field, yellow, farm, countryside, U.K., west, sussex,
Pylon & yellow-006 
 Electricity pylon in a yellow field. 
 Keywords: electricity, pylon, field, yellow, farm, countryside, U.K., west, sussex,

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All images © Copyright protected David Gadsby Photography   07850 843075
Professional Wedding Photographer Forest Row, East Sussex, GB